June 30th Housing Workshop
On June 30, 2021, the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) held its first in-person event at the Don Tatzin Community Hall. The event was an open house style opportunity for members of the public to drop in and provide their input offline. GPAC and City staff hosted stations with activities similar to those from the online Housing Element workshops held over April and May. Participants were able to work through the activities and stop by tables covering additional topics, including wildfire preparedness, transportation planning, and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation.
GPAC Chair Chris Lee (far left) discusses community values with a member of the public at Station 1.
Priorities generated from community members at Station 1.
Event participants indicated where they would prefer new housing to go by using stickers.
GPAC member Mike Kim (left) with maps generated by community members.
GPAC member Kristine Rasmussen (far right) conversing with community stakeholders.