Draft Safety Element available for public review
How do we keep Lafayette safe? Lafayette's Safety Element is the citywide plan to reduce the risk of harm and damage from natural and man-made disasters through land use, planning, and policy decisions. The current Safety Element was updated over ten years ago. This update will make sure the Safety Element meets current requirements and helps us prepare for future threats.
The Lafayette General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) has created a draft of the updated Safety Element and a draft is ready for your review!

Give us your feedback!
Save the Date: Community Workshop on Draft Safety Element – March 29
Join the City of Lafayette’s General Plan Advisory Committee and other community members for an open house-style event to learn about local hazards, such as wildfire and landslides, and how we can ensure a safe and prepared city for all. Drop by between 6 to 8 p.m. on March 29 at the Don Tatzin Community Hall at the Library to learn about the proposed updates to the Safety Element and provide your feedback. Visit www.planlafayette.org/safety-element to learn more.
Send written comments to generalplan@lovelafayette.org.